“In The Water” Module 13 (Age 4-6)

Opening Video - Module 13

Warm-Up: Wiggly Water

What can you do with a drop of water? Actually, you can do lots and lots!

Use an eyedropper to make individual droplets of water and see what those droplets can do. Use a straw to blow on the water droplets. Can you combine colors? Make one really big droplet? And then separate it into little droplets again?

For more instructions, please view the full write-up here: Module 13_ Wiggly Water

Wiggly Water


Movement Break - Urbanity Dance

Boat Building

Make a simple boat out of tin foil and add pennies to it until it sinks. How many can you fit? What happens when you change the design of your boat? Experiment and see what happens! For more instructions, please view the full write-up here: Module 13_ Boat Building


Optional: Share Your Adventures on Flipgrid

Flipgrid is a way for Explorers to show-and-tell their work to other explorers. Caregivers should supervise any sharing on Flipgrid. For full instructions and sharing guidelines, click here: Flipgrid How-To