“In The Construction Zone” Module 10 (Age 7-10)

Opening Video - Module 10

Warm-Up: Measuring

Pick five objects in your home that you use everyday. Measure these items in inches or centimetres. For more instructions, please view the full write-up here: Module 10_Measuring Warm Up

Straw Structure Challenges

Engineers are people who work with others to find solutions to problems. In this activity, you will try being an engineer by using creativity and creating, testing, and improving designs. Complete different challenges using only straws and one other simple material. For more instructions, please view the full write-up here: Module 10_Straw Structures

Movement Break - Urbanity Dance

Design Your Own Clubhouse

Imagine a piece of paper is the floor of your new clubhouse. Decorate your clubhouse using a variety of options, but remember to check their measurements before you plan your layout! For more instructions, please view the full write-up here: Module 10_Design Your Own Clubhouse

Don’t forget to look at the measurement guide: Clubhouse Decoration and Measurements


Optional: Share Your Adventures on Flipgrid

Flipgrid is a way for Explorers to show-and-tell their work to other explorers. Caregivers should supervise any sharing on Flipgrid. For full instructions and sharing guidelines, click here: Flipgrid How-To