“In The Human Body” Module 15 (Age 7-10)

Opening Video - Module 15

Warm-Up: Exercise & Heart Rate

Explore how exercising can affect your heart rate and breathing. For more instructions, please view the full write-up here: Module 15 Warm-Up

Test Your Senses

In this adventure, you will try different experiments. Each will give you a chance to observe how your brain and body use your senses of smell, sight, hearing, and touch. For more instructions, please view the full write-up here:Module 15_TestYourSenses

Movement Break - Urbanity Dance

Air Powered Vehicle

Create a vehicle or moving object from recycled and craft materials in your home. You will need to use either your breath, a fan, or the wind outside to power this vehicle. Much like the breath from your lungs, a fan or wind pushes air, and that air can push a vehicle. For more instructions, please view the full write-up here: Module 15_AirPoweredVehicle


Optional: Share Your Adventures on Flipgrid

Flipgrid is a way for Explorers to show-and-tell their work to other explorers. Caregivers should supervise any sharing on Flipgrid. For full instructions and sharing guidelines, click here: Flipgrid How-To