“In Your Imagination” Module 4 (Age 7-10)

Opening Video - Module 4

Warm-Up: Rhyming Poem

Use your imagination to make a poem that rhymes! For a full activity write-up, please click here: Module 4_Rhyming Poem

Music Makers

It’s time for some music! Make your own instrument by using materials around your home or things found in nature. What sounds do different materials make? Can you play a song or make one up?For more instructions, please view the full write-up here: Module 4_Music Makers

Movement Break - Urbanity Dance

Tell a Story with Scratch

Scratch is a free website to make your own animations, learning coding concepts along the way! Make up your own story with Scratch. For more instructions, please view the full write-up here: Module 4 – Tell a Story with Scratch


Optional: Share Your Adventures on Flipgrid

Flipgrid is a way for Explorers to show-and-tell their work to other explorers. Caregivers should supervise any sharing on Flipgrid. For full instructions and sharing guidelines, click here: Flipgrid How-To