“In The Wild” Module 1 (Age 7-10)

Opening Video - Module 1

Mystery Animal Poem

Pick your favorite animal or an animal you know a lot about. Make a mystery animal poem, writing a clue on each line. Don’t write the animal in the last line, though! Have other people try to guess based on your clues… Full activity write-up here: Module 1_ Coded Animal Poem

Create Your Own Play-Dough Animal

Follow the instructions to create your own custom playdough. Then think about various physical features throughout the animal kingdom – different types of faces, body-types, sizes, colors, limbs, hair, etc. Combine features of your choice to create a new animal that doesn’t already exist. You can reshape the Playdough into this new animal from your imagination, or plants, or other things found in nature. Play-dough recipe and activity write-up here: Module 1_ Create-Your-Own PlayDough Animals

Movement Break - Yoga

Nature Explorations

Explore the nature around you, collect some items, and create a picture, collage, or sculpture from some of the things you found! Find the full instructions for this activity here:  Module 1_ Nature Explorations